Electric Limbs: Before The Storm

Electric Limbs: Before The Storm

Electric Limbs combines the search for goosebump moments. Unique, creative community phenomena that we can only experience through the production of harmonious sounds and that touch us deep under the skin. Found in the city of Steyr Upper Austria, the band formed in 2021 because fate wanted it that way. The urge for creativity and the longing for the song had the embark on the journey from which they never want to return determined the work as a band from then on. And what could be better than taking the audience on this journey? The songs in the genres of alternative rock, blues and a pinch of pop, with a charming stoner sound, are not wrongly reminiscent of music from the turn of the millennium. Bands like Queens Of The Stone Age, Muse, Foo Fighters or Nirvana have accompanied them since their first musical hours, like a father accompanies his children.

Have a listen to their new single and connect with Electric Limbs:



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