Interview: Emily Ronna

Interview: Emily Ronna

Hailing from Boston, Massachusetts, Emily Ronna spent the first decade of her musical journey convinced she was going to front a punk band. Soon after realizing the marriage of a band didn't suit her, she fled the "altar" for a stab at a solo career in Nashville. Launching the project in the beginning of 2021, Ronna used the first three singles as a way of discussing her mental health and sexuality. Now, with new single "3 Way," she's combining the concepts. Ronna insists her mental state is so erratic that sleeping with her is like having a three-some. She rhymes "depression" with "erection," and frolics around in emo assless chaps in the music video. "3 Way" could very well be a signal for a total breakdown, or a symbol of Ronna's freedom in singing about whatever the hell she wants. Let’s just say it’s freedom.

We recently had the opportunity to catch up with Emily and she was kind enough to answer a few interview questions.

Hi Emily! Thanks for being here!

My pleasure, thank you for having me!

What has been the biggest "pinch me" moment of your career thus far?

I'm still pretty pleased with how my first single, "Someone Else," was received. It hasn't broken a milli yet or anything, but it was my first release under my own name, it was super personal, and the response was so heartwarming I didn't even know what to do with it. It was the assurance I needed that was like "oh, maybe being an artist wasn't a total f*cking mistake"

What could you give a 40-minute presentation on without any preparation beforehand?

Abnormal psychology. I'm a real big psych nerd, plus I have generalized anxiety disorder, so learning about brains has sort of become one of my coping mechanisms. Knowledge is power I guess.

Top 3 things on your bucket list…

1.) Write a song that hits the top 40 on billboard Hot 100. I don't have to be the artist on it, but writing a song that everybody knows to an annoying extent is the dream.

2.) Play at the Ryman. I live in Nashville, so obviously playing the Mother Church has to be up there.

3.) Be nominated for a Grammy. I know they're controversial and have not always been rooted in fairness, but I'd be lying to myself if I said I wouldn't freak the f*** out.

Is there a song you would like to cover? If so, what song? 

Radio Cloud by Ruston Kelly. It's my favorite song right now. I don't know what I'd do to it to make it sound more like mine, but that song got me through some rough shit and I'd jump at the chance to do it real justice.

Do you have any hidden talents? 

I can fit my entire fist into my mouth.

What is inspiring you right now? 

I am so inspired by Lil Nas X it's not even funny. Not only did he utilize a genre that didn't want to accept him, but did so with the biggest effing hit EVER. And then he came back and did it AGAIN. I love him, I love everything he stands for, I love everything he makes. He reminds me to just make shit you love and screw the rest.

Name a genre of music that you've never done but would love to dive into? Who would be a dream to collaborate with it on?

I LOVE hip hop. And I love "W.A.P." I'd write a dissertation on the importance of that song if I ever had to write a dissertation on anything. I would love to collaborate with Cardi B and just make the raunchiest, most sex positive shit ever.

Please tell our readers how to stay up to date with you and your latest moves!

Follow me on social media and check out my website! Thankfully Emily Ronna is not a common name so I'm easy to find.

Have a listen and connect with Emily Ronna:

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