Lapels: "Warning Lights"

Lapels: "Warning Lights"

Introducing Lapels – the new generation of indie/Britpop singer/songwriters, evolving the no-nonsense, everyday-life genre of music into 2021… almost 30 since the Godfathers of Britpop, Blur, changed the world with their debut album, ‘Leisure’. The first new, young band signed to the iconic Marquee Records (a brand renowned for nurturing and launching new talent), Lapels bound onto the scene with their recently released debut single, ‘Warning Lights’ .

Meet Nathan, Andy, Will and Adam who together form Lapels; a 4-piece band of singer/songwriter/musicians from the East Midlands, whose honest, no-fuss take on indie/pop, is fast becoming likened to a Blur/Oasis-esque evolution of those early days of mid-90s Britpop. Lyrically depicting everyday mundane ‘stuff’, Lapel’s candid approach to British guitar based music, resonates with audiences for its relevance and honesty. The band formed when Nathan and Andy sparked off a singer/songwriter chemistry at college in Nottingham. Pulling in band mates Will and Adam, the boys began gigging across the East Midlands and quickly had to find a band name to go onto a gig flyer; because they were all wearing jackets at the time, ‘lapels’ was the first word that connected them all. Lapels were born.

Whilst playing at a live gig in the East Midlands, the boys had a fortuitous meeting with, Colin Peter, the CEO of the newly formed, Marquee Records. Well known for nurturing burgeoning British talent, the iconic, Marquee Records, was formed as an evolution of it’s original club brand, stepping into the 21 Century to nurture and support the cream of breakthrough artists. With their honest, no nonsense lyrics and endearing on-stage charisma, Lapels were the perfect fit for Marquee Records. Deal signed and an album’s worth of original new material in the bag, 2021 is ready to meet the boys.

Warning Lights’ is their debut step onto the global scene. Welcome Lapels!

Have a listen and connect with Lapels on social media:

Facebook @LapelsOfficial

Instagram @lapelsofficial

Twitter @LapelsOfficial

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