Steve Rokosh: "It's in You"

Steve Rokosh: "It's in You"

Within every revolution, there are always a few albums that define this period of great change…Steve Rokosh – Truth Will Win is one of these albums.

After 3 years of work and featuring over 200 different singers/musicians, the timing for this record couldn’t be better. It almost feels divinely orchestrated as it touches upon current topics such as diversity, systematic corruption, mental health and even spiritual awakening in a way that’s both personal and Universal. Sonically, it’s Stadium Rock with the majority of its bed instruments sounding live, trashed and distorted, yet it has a cinematic feel to it as well as electronic beats, live strings, choirs and percussion make us feel like we’re watching a movie.

It’s clear that Steve has no fear in bearing his heart and soul while calling others to do the same. Lyrically, he speaks his Truth in a way that’s both intimate and epic while affirming that each of us has our own Truth as well. And lastly, no matter the lies, corruption and greed, he emphasizes that nothing can win against Truth, both in ourselves and in the world at large, hence the album’s title and opening track.

Have a listen and connect with Steve Rokosh on social media:

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