Aaron: "One More Time"

Aaron: "One More Time"

AARON is a singer-songwriter from Switzerland who describes his music “…schmaltzy pop music and ever so often, I spice things up with elements from horror films, my second passion next to music.” He started doing solo gigs a year ago and fills the gig gaps busking and youtube-ing.

His new single and video “One More Time” is about a mysterious character that lives in a wood glade and is waiting for someone. Out of frustration about that someone's absence and the fear that they might never return, our character sings us this kind of creepy, kind of beautiful, kind of pathetic jeremiad.

Aaron explains about the video “The idea came to me as a stunning demonstration of creative association: I was out jogging and listening to my song and I was like: ‘Yeah. Let's do that. In slow-mo.’
My pal Moritz Schmid filmed it out of the open trunk of a driving car and we had to play the song at double speed, so that the slow-mo thing would work. It sounded weird. Like a chipmunk Tarantella.”

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