Fjälla: Abbastanza

Fjälla: Abbastanza

Fjälla are waiting for better days - for everyone else, but also for their own trauma-stricken world. The new EP "Abbastanza" sheds light on the nerve-wracking journey of healing psychological suffering - with all its ups and downs. The soundtrack to a dark chapter in life. For Fjälla, music also means activism. The Zurich-based band has never been a band that silently accepts grievances. On the contrary: with their multilingual lyrics - in English as well as French, Italian and (Swiss) German - the four-piece collective puts their finger directly on the wound.

Live Performances are an important part of Fjälla. The shows combine poetry, choreography and elaborate costume designs with their music. A dramaturgy flows through the concerts and lovingly invites the audience inside into Fjälla's world. Fjälla is an expression of our personal development, from devestating to cheerful moments. Fjälla captures moments, even if it’s hurtful again and again and again.

“Fjälla is a translation of our friendship. Fjälla is demanding, maybe challenging. Fjälla gives a voice to moments where we didn’t have one. We want to pass that on.” - Fjälla

Have a listen and connect with Fjälla:

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