Interview: In Consistent Seas

Interview: In Consistent Seas

Hi there! Thank you for taking this interview with us! We just listened to 'Reckless' and it's awesome. What can you tell us about your creative process this time around and what's the backstory to this album?

 - Thank you! And thanks for having me! The story that can be heard throughout ‘Reckless’ is a story of self discovery. This is the story of finding what you believe, what makes you happy and how to carry yourself once you are out in the world on your own. I think a lot of us hit a point in our life where we start to question what we are doing and why we are doing it, which leads us to try to find new ways to be content in the world. Our coming of age story! During the time when I was starting to figure out life, there were a lot of ups and downs. Some things I discovered and loved and others left me feeling empty. I was being hit with a lot of emotions and decided to start writing about them to get them out. That is when the album truly became a reality. As a lover of all kinds of music and all different genres, I realized that depending on what I was writing about, I would use different influences to convey those emotions. That allowed me to record with some phenomenal musicians here in Nashville, listen to their suggestions and get all of our thoughts organized to be put out in the world!

What motivates you to keep going?

 - Creative expression about something you are passionate about. Honestly it's a wonderful thing to love the music you are making so much that even if no one heard it, you would be proud of it and want to keep creating! It was one of the most satisfying things of all time to release this album. It had been rolling around in my head for years and to hear it for the first time was one of the greatest moments of my life! I think when you are doing something you truly love, it is so much harder to become discouraged. I remember someone asking me what I expected to happen after releasing Reckless and I responded by saying "I truly don't know, I'm so proud of it that I feel that releasing it was the pinnacle, the dream, everything else that could happen after will just be a bonus!". I think finding our own definitions of success is important. For me I succeeded as soon as the album went live, everything else from that point on has been an incredible bonus to my already successful endeavor! 

Do you write only when you feel creative or do you keep a writing routine?

- I mostly write when I feel creative. I am both lucky and unlucky because my brain is constantly trying to create things. I feel creative a lot but it can be a distraction from any other task I'm trying to do! I also love scheduling co-writes that will force me to get my creative juices flowing, but when it's just me, I feel like I need to be inspired to start writing.

What surprised you about this album, or what changed about it from your expectations when you started the project? 

- I think the thing that surprised me most about this album was the reception of it! One of the coolest things I found when showing it for the first time to my friends is that they all had different favorite songs off the album. Not only was that very validating, but it certainly reaffirmed what I hoped would happen! That being said, just because I hoped it would happen didn't mean that I wasn't surprised when it did!

Is there a hit song you wish you could have written?

- There are so many songs I wish I could have written! There are also so many songs that inspire me. From a monetary aspect... I definitely wish I could have written "White Christmas"! I would never have to worry about money again! Creatively, two that jump into my head are "My Way" by Frank Sinatra and "A Woman Like You" by Lee Brice. "My Way" has some lines in it that absolutely floor me. "What is a man, what has he got? If not himself, then he has naught" may be one of the most brilliant lines of all time, and starting a song out with "And now the end is here"?? I mean c'mon.... "A Woman Like You" I think is one of the most clever songs I have ever heard. When I first heard it, I remember the specific thought I had was in fact, "Dang... I wish I would have thought of that". I'm sure there are more out there but those are the ones that immediately come to mind!

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