Interview: Arizona Lindsey

Interview: Arizona Lindsey

Hi Arizona, thanks for being here today!

Thanks for having me! Much appreciated.

What has been the biggest "pinch me" moment of your career thus far?

One of the biggest “pinch me” moments of this past year was finding out I was going to be doing a track with rock legend, Darryl McDaniels of RunDMC. Darryl and I had met on a zoom call about a year prior, thanks to our mutual friend Brimstone, and really connected; especially over topics surrounding mental health. I don’t think the fact that we did a track together became real to me until after I listened to the mastered track. I remember being in my bedroom when my engineer sent it to me, and I honestly was so teary-eyed just listening to it. I felt so proud of myself for far I have come both in my career and my ability to advocate for a cause that once had so much power over my life.

The new track is called “Worth the Fight” and it is the bonus track to my recently released full length concept album, “The Process”. The song was written and released as a dedication to national suicide prevention month. Please go take a listen and let me know what you think!

What could you give a 40-minute presentation on without any preparation beforehand? 

One of the many topics that comes to mind would be the significance of trauma informed care and accessibility to mental health care.

Top 3 things on your bucket list...

1)  Writing, recording, and performing with my music inspirations

2)  Performing in front of hundreds of people who know the words to my songs.

3) Being able to fund or create non-profits that can help complex trauma survivors afford treatment.

Is there a song you would like to cover? If so, what song? 

I am currently working on a cover of Taylor Swift’s “All Too Well” (full length version). I know not many people will hear it, but the song is just so cathartic to perform and record because of how much I relate to it, so I am working on it anyway!

Do you have any hidden talents? 

Making not awkward situations awkward?  

What is inspiring you right now? 

The biggest thing inspiring me to write and record right now, is my trauma recovery journey. Being able to process my experiences from a healthy distance has also allowed me the ability to write more music about them. It isn’t just cathartic for me to write and produce this music, but it feels extra special to see the community of fans that come together because of it. These supportive and compassionate people truly make all of the work even more worth it.  

Please tell our readers how to stay up to date with you and your latest moves!

Thank you very much for having me! You can find me on almost any social media and music streaming platform under the name Arizona Lindsey! 

Have a listen and connect with Arizona Lindsey:

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