"Made of Dreams" - New Single by JaKe X

"Made of Dreams" - New Single by JaKe X

JaKe X approached music since he was still very young, at the age of 9, firstly beginning to take guitar classes, privately. After 2 years, he joined CSM Music School and continued improving guitar skills under the guidance of Andrea Sarasini. In the meantime, he learns the piano on his own (later he’ll be attending 2 years of private classes with the Master Gianluca Brigo, founder of Maria Callas Academy).

At the age of 15, given the passion for writing his own music and singing along, he began vocal studies, under the coaching of Laura Ruscelli. The very same year, he joined the music company “Fabula Musica”, always headed by Laura Ruscelli. The first year, he toured the main theaters of the region playing the role of Febo, within the musical “Notre Dame de Paris”. The year after, Fabula Musica continues the tour with a new show where Giacomo still plays solo roles.

In 2009 he quits the vocal studies and intensifies the live activities with several bands, mostly on rock/metal genre. The need of improving and technical skills to perform and record within this genre leads him to meet Michele Luppi (Vision Divine, Secret Sphere, Whitesnake) and begins his “Voice Control” course. This new path improves dramatically the knowledge, the awareness, the skills and the usage of his voice. He’ll attend Luppi till mid 2014.

In 2013, with his band Burn of Black, he records the first EP of the band, named Danger: the album gets a lot of credits, praising the unexpected great sound that the clean vocals contrasted with heavy riffs and drumming delivered.

In 2014, he joins Lunar Explosion, a young heavy metal band with a great background behind (played with Dennist Stratton, Michael Angelo Batio etc). At the end of 2014 together with Lunar Explosion he shares the stage with Jennifer Batten, historical guitarist of Michael Jackson. Giacomo and Lunar Explosion will play 2 songs on stage with Jennifer. The event still is remembered as one of the greatest. In early 2015, another milestone of his music path: a tour in Brazil supporting Blaze Bayley (ex Iron Maiden). The tour has been an extreme success.

In late 2015, Burn of Black renovate the lineup and change their name to “UnHuman Insurrection”: this is a crucial moment in which, thanks to the partnership with Alpha Omega Management, the band starts to hit big stages and, in general, approaching to a higher level of the international music scenario. Among all things, a must-quote are the gig opened to Sabaton in Riga (Latvia) in December 2016, the one with Lacuna Coil in Saint Petersburg (Russia) in May 2017 and those in Moscow and Samara (Russia) with Arch Enemy, in October 2017.

In 2017 he records the album “Equilibrium?” that will be out in 2018.

On March 2019 together with UnHuman Insurrection he goes back in Russia, this time supporting a part of the tour of At The Gates.

On July he participates at the MetalDays 2019 Festival, performing on the main stage.

At the end of 2019, he publishes the single edit “A Ship Sailing Nowhere”, entirely written, composed and produced by himself. His new single is “Made of Dreams”. The song comes to light during a moment of personal reflection about the role of dreams and illusions in our lives. In a world where pragmatism, technology and performances are what matter most (if not the only things that matter), I wanted to speak about the conflict that emotions and dreams create in our day. Though we can't deny the power and the authenticity of feelings, getting emotionally involved and being moved by something or someone, we struggle cause we keep feeling harassed by a hidden message and input telling that this is basically wrong, lazy, childish. Therefore lyrics and sound are shaped in order to create this dreamy world, a bit entangled in an old dated melancholy, yet quite firmly grasped to a modern age we no longer match with freedom.

Have a listen to JaKe X and follow on social media:






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