Michael Lyon: "Calling All"

Michael Lyon: "Calling All"

Michael Lyon has just released “Calling All”, a song about what all of us have suddenly been volunteered to understand and follow through with at this defining moment of our lives:

Being called on to recognize that the enemy is not some other human being (perhaps uncomfortably different from you or me). Rather, it is a deadly virus causing a world of hurt in countless awful ways to many millions.

If we turn out to be wise enough to seize the moment, one big favor Covid 19 can do for us is bring virtually everyone together as one to defeat it.

The first step in understanding the enormity of what we're facing has been making the painful sacrifice of getting the hell out of the way of the virus — staying home as much as possible, often at staggering economic cost.

In watching heroes in the medical community (and many other walks of life) risk - and in many cases lose - their lives to protect the rest of us, it’s becoming clearer than ever that each one of us also has a heroic part to play.

All of us are being called to protect and care for each other in ways unimaginable only several short months ago. Make no mistake: in answering this call, we absolutely can - and must - now set about changing the world for the better!

Continue answering the call, and keep up with Michael Lyon on social media:




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