New Casino: "Jupiter"

New Casino: "Jupiter"

New Casino originated in New York City however they are currently split between San Diego, Senegal and Manhattan. After the release of their e.p "Ramona" and album "Oshiki 2" the band set out to complete a third follow up record along with a comic surrounding the life and adventures of an alien named "Rhett Elroy" expected early 2021.

The second single from the upcoming record is “Jupiter”, a lucid production which rocks us in space and time leaving family and home behind in order to save humanity from itself.

“ There’s a certain almost indescribable feeling that happens when you’re halfway between the sleeping and waking worlds. It’s the state of drowsiness in which you’re hovering just outside of your mind; a colored swirl of mindless delusions that hazily slip away and blend into one another before the wave of unconsciousness crashes down. Dream-like and surreal, it’s filled with warm and comforting chaos in which uncertainty lacks danger and movement lacks purposeful urgency. New Casino’s “Jupiter” is the musical equivalent of this unearthly state of being, providing a smooth and melodious trip through a hallucinatory world." explains the group.

Have a listen and connect with New Casino on social media:

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