Nic Gyalson: "You Could Almost"

Nic Gyalson: "You Could Almost"

Three years after publishing his debut album “Alluvision”, and after composing the soundtrack for several documentaries , Nic Gyalson has just released his second record “You Could Almost”. The album consists of 10 tracks with variegated sounds, balanced in a style that is hard to place under a specific genre. Inside the pop-rock structure can in fact be heard modern electronic patterns paired with melodies and progressions inspired by the Delta Blues, soul and classical music, all deeply soaked into 60s-like psychedelic vibes with a hint of glam here and there. All songs and music videos – 5 were made for this album – are artistically and technically self-produced.

Nic Gyalson moved his first steps into music as a little kid with his maternal grandmother, a classical musician who taught him to sing. During the high school years he discovered the Psychedelic Rock music and the Blues, and therefore began to play keyboards and guitars. Once he got his sound technician degree, the need for expression led him to produce his first album “Alluvision” at La Sauna Recording Studio in Varese, Italy, in 2015. In those years he also composed several soundtracks for documentaries produced by his father Fulvio Mariani, from whom he inherited the passion toward cinema.

Have a listen and follow Nic Gyalson on social media:

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