AfrotroniX: The future of Africa

AfrotroniX: The future of Africa

Award-winner producer, singer and guitarrist AfrotroniX, is crowned Best African Dj 2019 at the All African Music Awards in Ghana. AfrotroniX is a character that fuses African and Western cultures in a burst of dance and digital arts, fusing electronic music with African rhythms and Touareg blues into a futuristic visual world. The AfrotroniX concept is incarnated on stage by the artist, wearing his afro-futuristic helmet, and evolves to the rhythm of his creation that mixes electronic and Dj-ing combined with live instruments and Afro-urban choreography in a futuristic visual Art universe

Montreal-based, Chadian AfrotroniX is an entity that looks at the future of Africa according to ancestral values. With his helmet called afroton, that hides his face, goes beyond time to project a vision of Africa in a future where technology, biotechonology, humanity, nature and spirituality will have found their balance on Earth. By doing this, artist questions the current state of Africa and the role of Africa in the changing world.

The famous helmet is a futuristic version of the " d o m " , s y m b o l i c headcover of the initiated sar people, and testifies h i s a p p r o a c h . T h i s afrofuturistic version of the helmet symbol izes the transition from the status of an Africa marked by its colonialist history to a f u t u r e w h e r e A f r i c a becomes the master of her destiny and writes her own future history.

His latest single and video is “Aye Aye” made in Chad.

Have a listen and follow on social media:

Photo credit: George Fok

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