No Valentine: "Radio Indonesia"

No Valentine: "Radio Indonesia"

No Valentine has an arsenal of original songs that don't all sound alike. It's definitely rock n roll, but it's more than that. There are lean guitar riffs straight from 1968 London, 4 on the floor punk beats, Stax like grooves, and full on barn-burners. Lyrics speak universal truths and sing la la las, ballads of murder with hooks of pop. On every tune you get 1... 2... 3... or no vocals at all. Nothing like a galloping hard rock instrumental. No Valentine is an exciting and unpredictable live band. Songwriter CINDY PACK, famous for fronting The Shakes and slinging hooch at CBGB, now slings a Gibson Les Paul, her lead vocals ranging from growl to howl. MIKE LINN, one time house drummer for Cryptovison Records, pounded the skins for hip hop/punk rocker Princess Superstar, electronica group Spalding Rockwell, and the hard rocking Dirty and Naughty. His hard charging beat propels the sting and thunder of No Valentine's sound. LAURA SATIVA has played bass with rock legends Sylvain Sylvain and Jayne County and toured the world with Mongrel Bitch and She Wolves. She likes it most when she's singing the "la la las".

Their new single “Radio Indonesia” they explain “is a tongue-in-cheek statement about the need for acceptance via social media. Our music is played on the radio in faraway places like Indonesia and that brings us happiness. How do we gauge our success? How much of our identity is based on the eyes and appraisals of society? It’s true. We get excited with every new like and follow. We beat our heads against the wall trying to get to point B. Yet we are on a mission. Therefore our lives have meaning. Somebody wants to be our friend!”

Have a listen and keep up with No Valentine on social media:

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