Reed Blue: Nelson's Speech

Reed Blue: Nelson's Speech

Reed Blue is a lyricist and composer with over 20 years of experience in the underground scenes. Coming from the world of Hip Hop, through the trip hop’s years of the ‘90s, discovers electronic music in ’97 and since then a neverending journey of experimentations with sounds is giving birth to a unique style of music where the noise is apparently the only common denominator among his different compositions. In fact his works are plenty of sounds home-made and somehow all relatives which add a big touch of originality to the electronic/noise/ambient/abstract/idm music, with or without voice, he creates, making the listener sometimes move, sometimes just focus on and trip with the sole mind.

His new trip hop track is a tribute to and in memory of Nelson Mandela.

Reed Blue explained “I have put on music part of his inauguration speech which took place on 10th May 1994, representing the beginning of his presidency and the end of apartheid in South Africa. In short, it is a hope for an end to discrimination, slavery, suffering and poverty, for a freer, more just and peaceful world for all.”

Have a listen and connect with Reed Blue:

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