Atomic Rebel: "Proper Propagander"

Atomic Rebel: "Proper Propagander"

New Orleans-based Atomic Rebel has just released an intense new album called “Proper Propagander” that represents a fusion of genres along with experimental songs all within the EDM blanket of music. The songs are designed to carry you on an immersive journey within the mental soundscape. Immensely satisfying and addictive.  A wicked example of a the bridge between EDM and IDM, Atomic Rebel is firing on all cylinders with the dark & dynamic sounds on the single “Cuthulu Dreams.”  Not only do you get a solid dose of mayhem, mischief, and menace driving the movement & sound along this sonic adventure, but the video is a freakin’ subtle masterpiece.  A perfect example of everything you need, all in the right places where you want it – Atomic Rebel has designed a seriously wild visual and audio experience.

Deadly sounds come pouring out at ya on “Cuthulu Dreams” – a flawlessly structured and executed cut built for the late-night hours.  Both the skills and ideas from Atomic Rebel stand out impressively through the ultra-smooth transitions and metamorphosis this single continually delivers; “Cuthulu Dreams” is epically massive within what seems like mere seconds into it, and never looks back from there, shifting and changing direction and sound seemingly at the sheer will of exquisite instincts.  It’s one nightmarish experience after another in the best possible way – Atomic Rebel’s “Cuthulu Dreams” crushes with a selection of electrifying & supercharged moments you can feel cling right to your bones.  From the brilliant addition of the “R’lyehian” chanting, to the flashy movement through the surging of Electro melodies & stunningly stylistic beat that switches, twists, and turns every moment along the way – Atomic Rebel is bringin’ it on “Cuthulu Dreams,” resulting in a single-worthy sound that grabs your attention instantly, and retains it with ease. 

Have a listen and be sure to follow on social media:

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