Christian Noël: "It Felt Like"

Christian Noël: "It Felt Like"

Urban-EDM artist Christian Noël released his debut single It Felt Like recently on all major streaming platforms. The tune captures the story of a person reminiscing over a past lover and the emotions they once felt. While the song’s lyrics focus on the heartbreak, the music itself brings energy and movement to keep the party going. Christian describes it as a “crying in the club” paradox. It’ll make you want to dance and cry over your ex at the same time.

Christian was born in Richmond and moved to Atlanta after graduating from Yale University, where he majored in film. (Unfortunately, he didn’t fulfill his granny’s dreams of him studying politics and becoming a senator.) When he first relocated to Georgia, he took a short break from music to focus on his acting and modeling. You can see him in Family (acting opposite of Taylor Schilling of Orange is the New Black) and in various ads for brands, such as Adidas and The Walking Dead. While he didn’t put out any music, he used that time to find his sound and fine tune his performance skills.

His songs don’t fit in with a single genre, but rather Christian describes them as Urban-EDM or Urban-Electropop. His niche is finding energetic synths and pairing them with Hip-Hop-esque kicks and hi-hats. At the moment he writes and produces all his music himself, but plans are in the works to collaborate with a few Atlanta-area EDM and Hip-Hop producers in the near future. Keep your eyes peeled for his next release!

It Felt Like is now available on all major streaming platforms and for download on iTunes.

Have a listen and keep up with Christian on social media at:

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