GODDEXX: A Flower Fills With Blood
Springing to life in 2019, LA based artist GODDEXX is the new electronic pop project from Kelia Solaris.Combining psychedelic and hallucinatory sounds with traditional pop craftsmanship, she aims to redefine what pop music can be. She has just released her first album A Flower Fills With Blood (out 9/9/19) and is promoting it with her third single "In Love." She has been featured on the MTV rock blog and has over one-hundred thousand streams on Soundcloud and counting. Keep your eye on GODDEXX by following her social links:
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/keliasolaris/in-love-master?in=keliasolaris/sets/a-flower-fills-with-blood
Bandcamp: https://goddexx.bandcamp.com/
Instagram: keliasolaris
Twitter: @keliasolaris