Guillerme Wolf: "Poor Pool of Poo"

Guillerme Wolf: "Poor Pool of Poo"

Guilherme Wolf is a Brazilian DIY lo-fi indie rock artist from São Paulo. What makes him so distinct is his ability to blend his perpetually under-the-radar guitarist abilities with an uncanny ear for catchy melodies. Wolf tears away at the string stringed instrument with such fevered and focused energy it’s a marvel he manages to utter any words into the microphone at all, much less the bouncy tone he projects. He is balancing the discipline of tight songwriting and the glee of following a guitar thread wherever it goes. Guilherme Wolf’s songs usually contain typically dense and mystifying lyrics, surging guitar riffs, and an immediately inviting melody.

Keep an eye on Guillermo Wolf by following his social media:

Replay in Neon: "The Landscapes in Phase"

Replay in Neon: "The Landscapes in Phase"

DatBeatGod: "The Creator"

DatBeatGod: "The Creator"