Heidi Webster: "Masterpiece"

Heidi Webster: "Masterpiece"

We had the pleasure of checking in with Heidi Webster on the occasion of the release of her new single “Masterpiece” and she was kind enough to respond to a few interview questions.

Welcome, Heidi! It’s great to have you here! You have new music coming out! Tell us what this process has been like for you? 

Thank you so much! It’s such a thrilling time to be creative, though that might sound strange. Creating music during the middle of the pandemic has been a very cathartic process for me. I began to get over the fear that people would actually hear my music, once I realized how much I appreciated when other artists shared their music during this crazy time and how helpful it was to me. The feelings and experiences we’ve all had this year have been new and sometimes scary. I thought that sharing those thoughts would help people connect and have something to relate too.

If you could collaborate with any artist this year, who would it be?

Oooooo! I would absolutely love to collaborate with Maggie Rogers. She is so magical and I’ve been following her career and been so inspired by the art she’s created just by being totally authentic. Another bucket list artist I would love to work with is Ryan Tedder. I would love to learn from him and his songwriting process. 

I know this maybe an impossible question BUT if you had to pick - what has been your favorite song of this year and why? 

I LOVE this question! Usually when I love a song I play it over and over again on repeat! The song for me this year has been Wild, from John Legend. I love the production and that driving rhythm. I also put out my first single and music video earlier this summer called, Wild. So, when I saw his song and his artwork and how both had a similar vibe I was so stoked!! He is a longtime favorite artist of mine! 

What inspires your music?

Other artists are what inspire me the most! I love listening to what new music people are writing and what they have to say. There is nothing more inspiring than observing other peoples gifts. Also, when I really feel like I have something to say and need therapeutically to pour my heart out this is when songs flow for me very quickly! This is what Masterpiece, my new single, really was about for me. I wanted to share the feelings of isolation through the pandemic and how it really made me take a look at myself and how I could come out of that hardship. This song really just flowed out of me in a couple of hours.

When you write new music - do you write the lyrics first? What is your process like? 

Typically I am writing lyrics and melody simultaneously. Rhythmically and melodically this is what flows the best for me in my process. I am usually coming up with ideas daily and I will record voice memos on my phone with any hook or lyric ideas for me to come back to later, like when I’m out hiking in nature. And actually, a lot of times I’ll come up with ideas in the shower, haha, and I’ll have to jump out and grab my phone to get an idea down. Thank goodness iPhones are becoming more waterproof now. :) 

Where can people listen to your music and connect with you on social media

You can find my music on Spotify and Apple Music and anywhere you listen to music under my artist name Heidi Webster.  You can also follow me on instagram @redheadhmw to see clips of new music and the process in the studio each week!

Have a listen and connect with Heidi Webster on social media.

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