Interview: Osmunda Music

Interview: Osmunda Music

Growing up in Santa Fe, NM, Rebecca Trujillo Vest began singing and playing guitar. She found contemplative moments making music to be a nurturing experience she describes as similar to a mother’s love — which led to her path as an artist and to create Osmunda Music.

Most recently, she established the nonprofit organization Pandion Music Foundation with two other artists; a free online platform empowering artists as they navigate the music industry through educational resources, workshops, wellness guidance, and direct access to experts — helping to provide a constant thread of support for music creators.

Rebecca and her husband are founding members of the band Space Babies, and in 2010, they opened Earthstar Creation Center, a recording studio in Venice, California.

We recently had the chance to check in with the Rebecca and she was kind enough to respond to a few interview questions.

Congrats on the release of your latest single! What does this song mean to you and tell us about its origin and revolution! 

There was this woman named Patricia who was in a songwriting class that I was in. We had a zoom meet and talked about the world and how we relate to it. I was telling her about my philosophy of being present and showing up no matter what and we put together the song; she came up with the lyrical format, and I cranked the song out pretty fast via Ableton. John X Volaitis and I produced it with minimal production. The philosophy of the song is about being present, finding a gentle way to live, and letting the world come to you instead of trying too hard. Sometimes being in the flow makes things easy, so Let it Be Easy!

How would you describe your sound?

My sound is the opposite of hyper, I’m more of a mellow singer that tends to choose slower paces. My sound is unique to whatever I’m feeling or writing at the moment, but my voice can sometimes fluctuate between lower and higher registers. More than anything, I just want my music to be something pleasant to listen to! Let it Be Easy is perfect for someone who wants to unwind and know that it’s okay to let it be easy. I’m always finding different ways of production and exploring my vocal abilities.

Why do you think people resonate with your music?

You never know who’s going to resonate with your art, so you just have to keep doing what you’re doing! I think that philosophy translates through my songs. I also care about the lyrics and the wisdom that I share, and I think there’s something for everybody in all of my music.

 Which artist’s music and/or performance, past or present, inspires you today?

Joan Baez is somebody that always inspires me because she’s able to make such a big impact through her music. It’s not just her music, but her entire persona as a musician.

If you could perform with any music artist, Alive or Dead, who would you choose? And why?

Khurangbin — he’s so much fun! I would love to sing with him.

What is the best thing about performing to a live audience?

The best thing about performing to a live audience is the inevitable pre-performance butterflies! The rush you feel on stage & the minute you hear yourself on the speakers to the audience, I feel such a powerful energy exchange with the audience that you can’t get when listening to recorded music. The connection is irreplaceable!

What’s been the career highlight so far?

There’s been so many highlights throughout my career in music! However, this and last years have been incredible and the level of response I’ve been getting from my new releases is immense. I’ve gotten so much great feedback from music supervisors, collaborators, and listeners.


Album – Black Pumas by Black Pumas

Artist – Lhasa De Sela

Movie – Avatar

Place to visit – Esalen, Big Sur

Venue to play – Greek Theater (haven’t played there.. but really want to! and will!)

Food – Santa Fe New Mexican Food

Drink – sparkling water with squeezed lime, and my morning drink: lemon, cayenne, apple cider vinegar, and a little bit of honey... before my coffee!

Have a listen and connect with Osmunda Music:

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Intervista: alba

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