Interview: Tiffany Sayers

Interview: Tiffany Sayers

'Trippin' Over You' is dope! What's the story behind the song?

It’s about the intoxicating chemistry you can have with someone right off the bat. An intense feeling that has you completely love drunk. It’s scary though because powerful attraction can be unpredictable and sometimes toxic. You just have to ride the wave and see what happens! 

Do you always write from personal experience? 

I mostly write from personal experience but also write about the experiences of people close to me. I’m a big believer in writing about what you know so it's authentic and honest.

Is it hard to be vulnerable on certain projects?

For me, it’s not so much the project as it is the people I work with that determine how quickly I open up. If I’m working with creators who are collaborative and encouraging, then it’s pretty easy for me to tap into my emotions and create freely without fear of being judged. If I’m met with closed-off energy instead, and there isn’t a synergetic vibe in the room, it’s harder to be vulnerable. In either situation, I have to put myself out there if I want to create my best work. The more I collaborate, the easier it gets. 

Who inspires you to keep pushing in your career? 

I’ve been very inspired by H.E.R. lately. She’s not only an incredible singer but an amazing songwriter, musician, and performer. I saw her in concert at the Hollywood Bowl, she’s definitely one to look up to. Makes me want to keep pushing so I can rock with her on stage one day!

Leave us with a motto you are carrying with you for the rest of the year and all your socials to continue to be inspired! 

Be YOU, the rest will fall in place.

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