Strange Tides: Differentiation

Strange Tides: Differentiation

Strange Tides is the principle project of Vancouver-based songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Kirsten Bale. While she craves expertise in every instrument she tries, Kirsten’s big picture perspective on music and songwriting is the secret sauce that allows her to create varied yet coherent releases. This full-bodied approach to music is evident in her new EP “Differentiation”. The album is a mix of folk and rock songs, all addressing different aspects of reassessing one's belief systems during early adulthood.

In the music of Strange Tides, instruments are coaxed into a musical conversation which embodies the ideas stated more explicitly in carefully crafted lyrics. Kirsten’s tendency to allow songs to mull over a period of months results in a sonic and poetic experience which strikes the listener as both thoughtful and profoundly honest. Strange Tides got its start in folk-rock and has been influenced by brit-rock, folk, and pop-rock, but Kirsten’s insatiable drive to explore new instruments, chord patterns, time signatures, and genres means that the listener never grows bored.

Have a listen and connect with Strange Tides:

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