Twenty Four Hours: "Left-To-Live"

Twenty Four Hours: "Left-To-Live"

Twenty Four Hours is an Italian progressive rock band with various influences, including the psychedelic one that is the predominant element. After their first album, strongly encouraged by Nick Saloman (The Bevis Frond) and entitled "The Smell of The Rainy Air", a self -produced vinyl in January 1991 (published on the day after the outbreak of the 1st Gulf War), the group has acquired a certain notoriety thanks to the welcome of specialized music critics signaled the debut of the band among the best releases of 1991.

In 1992, following this small and unexpected success, the band was hired by Mellow Records of Sanremo, a label specializing in progressive rock, and later by the French label Musea. In 1994, Mellow published the second album, "Intolerance," and reprinted The Smell Of The Rainy Air on CD. In 1999, Musea published the third album, Oval Dreams, which became their best seller. The band has also participated in some compilations of Progressive Rock.

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Santo Blue: "Bambino"

Santo Blue: "Bambino"

Interview: Sophia Warren

Interview: Sophia Warren