William Truelove: "Split Personality"

William Truelove: "Split Personality"

William Truelove born as Anurag Chauhan was born in India and moved to Australia at the age of 12. William has resided in Adelaide, South Australia for the last 15 years and is currently 27 years old. William has been an avid music listener since he was a kid and aCer finishing high school he decided to commit himself to learning how to produce and create music as a way to express himself and his emoGons. A big catalyst for this inspiraGon was the album "My beauGful dark twisted fantasy" By Kanye West.

Describing his new single ‘Split Personality’ William said “This song is one of the examples of the type of music I am creaGng that I feel like I have found my sound. This song was me trying to differenGate between Anurag and William Truelove and being able to express my arGsGc side and what I want to say and not be held back by my self consciousness or my shyness. Everything I am saying in this song is true and is something that I went through and lived through. The album is mostly about capturing a very dark phase and Gme of my life. "

Have a listen and connect to William Truelove on social media:



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