Aaron Asteria: The Boats Are Back

Aaron Asteria: The Boats Are Back

In the early 2020s, a hopeful Polytech student named Aaron decided to quit his studies and put everything on music. At that time, he had no idea that the music industry would be completely turned upside down a few months later. Despite all the hardships, the young newcomer managed to hang on with a lot of creativity and initiative. Then, at the beginning of 2021, a silver lining arose: the victory in the MyCokeMusic Soundcheck worth 50,000 Swiss francs. After that, things went steeply uphill for the young Swiss singer and songwriter. The festival summer was fully booked and a creative friendship developed with his MyCokeMusic coach Baschi, from which the song "The Boats Are Back" has now emerged. The track is about growing up in a posh tourist town and is an ode to the beauty of adolescent idleness. Shortly before the release, Aaron adopted the last name Asteria. He supposedly came up with the new name with the help of a Ouija board.

Have a listen and connect with Aaron Asteria:



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