Circus Caravan: "Scattered Sketches"

Circus Caravan: "Scattered Sketches"

Circus Caravan is an alternative rock band from Athens, Greece. Rock, post-rock, alternative, stoner, are some of the genres they mix and along with the lyrics they write, they create stories they'd like to tell through music. In the recent years they had the opportunity to play in various gigs and stages with many artists across Athens and other cities in Greece.

In September 2017 they released their first EP titled Chapter 0, which we had the chance to present in both Athens and Thessaloniki.

Later in February 2019, they organized their first music festival titled Mixtape Sessions - A night on earth in Athens. The festival had the support of various cooperatives initiatives such as VIOME.

Now Circus Caravan's just released first LP, "Scattered Sketches" finds its substance in its very title, as the songwriting was intermittent, combining various music influences, always from an alternative point of view. The music doesn't follow today's trend, which usually makes the artists rush from the very beginning. It takes the time it needs to be fully expressed, through images, melodies or both combined.

The album was recorded and mixed by Dime St in Feedback Sound Studio (Athens, Greece)
The mastering was made by Yannis Christodoulatos in SweetSpot Productions Studio (Athens, Greece).

Have a listen and keep up with Circus Caravan on social media:


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