Jaz Clemente: "Figs"

Jaz Clemente: "Figs"

“Figs“, wasps, and the Yakuza - normal weirdness.

Oakland and Tijuana border artist Jaz Clemente embraces the weird times with a lyrically bizarre but musically positive and empowering new single “Figs”.

Nemo, the artist behind Jaz Clemente, states the weirdness of the times right from the opening line “hold on to your Yakuza”, and normalizes the bizarre with sweet harmonies and the driving dance-punk drums from the chorus chanting  “all the things that you wanna be”. Nemo continues the outlandish and adds a nod to his other culture with a sprinkle of Spanish: “I don’t care that you’re going away, adios”.

“Figs” is the first single fully produced and mixed by Nemo, prevoius tracks have had co-producers Afro-house producer Coflo and TRKRNR's Gyrefunk.

After the Steely Dan-ish singles from 2018 and the more indie-rock ones from 2019, Nemo has shown a tendency towards dance-punk, indie-pop, and even lofi compositions in 2020. Earlier this year he put out “A little brighter”, a jazzy soul pop-ish weirdo love song that resonated with a wider range of fans and pushing more in that direction, Nemo is releasing a romantic and melancholic EP that includes singer-songwriter Diana Gameros, in late September.

“Figs” was recorded during quarantine at Nemo's home in Oakland, CA.

Have a listen and keep up with Jaz Clemente on social media:



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