Junior Farrer: Social Mixups

Junior Farrer: Social Mixups

Junior Farrer is a singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist producer who made his debut in 2020 with the EP “Strange Times.” This EP introduced the melodic, Jazz-fused sound that would carry forward to his later releases. Junior has produced steady singles since the inception of his career, showcasing his skills as a guitarist and songwriter each time. In his music he pairs thought-provoking and daring song writing with a philosophical eye toward the world around him. The UK artist was raised in Bath and now attends university in Surrey.

“Social Mixups” is the latest single from Junior Farrer. It’s first appearance was through BBC Surrey radio, soon after came the release on all major streaming services March 22, 2022. The song jumps into a strong rhythm, accompanied by harmonics and layers of guitar. Junior sings one side of a heated and passionate dialogue with a lover. The track progresses to the chorus, which brings a fuller body of music to the listener. Another verse follows, which in turn breaks down into a psychedelic solo. “Social Mixups” eclipses with a final punch of chorus and a multi-guitar resolve, representing the end of the verbal dispute.

Have a listen and connect with Junio Farrer:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juniorfarrer/?hl=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/juniorfarrer/

Bandcamp: https://juniorfarrer.bandcamp.com/

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