No False Ego: We are the Soul

No False Ego: We are the Soul

The LA Prog RnB supercluster of creatives, No False Ego, is all about the vibes in their authenticity-advocating debut single, We Are the Soul

The LA Prog RnB prodigies, No False Ego, have made their debut with We Are the Soul, and there’s no refuting that titular proclamation; vibrations scarcely come higher.

The locked-and-loaded-with-deliciously-euphonic-grooves single embodies the outfit’s impetus to champion originality, which resounds through the sound they orchestrated as much as the lyrical messaging which urges the listener to shed their ego and step into the world without a façade.

Kassandra’s seraphically ethereal vocal lines bring swathes of dreamy reverie to the weightless single which riffs across a smorgasbord of genres; from the jazzy sax lines and time signatures to the indie guitar licks, the genre fluidity synthesises a carefree aural conduit of unfeigned expression.

Born in Big Bad Band Studios, produced and mixed by Camilo Cedeno, and mastered by Ronnie Silos, We Are the Soul is a scintillating sign of bigger things to come from the authenticity-advocating troupe of seasoned musicians.

No False Ego said: “We poured so much love, sweat and time into making our debut a perfect introduction to us and our ethos. It’s a message, to everyone who gives us the honor of their time, that there is so much power in being your most authentic self, loving exactly who you are, and not having a false ego.”

Have a listen and connect with No False Ego:

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