Terry Blue: Lullaby, 2520

Terry Blue: Lullaby, 2520

"Lullaby, 2520" is the first single taken from the upcoming new album "Chronicles of a Decline," by Terry Blue on AnotherMusic Records Paris and Safe Port Production.

It is, in fact, a lullaby, the only one - quoting the chorus of the song itself - that Leo Pusterla (composer and lyricist) has ever felt able to sing. And to write.

2520 is the number of the apartment, in Lausanne, where the songwriter lived for several years.

A few minutes from the lake and far from the city's hustle and bustle, in an anonymous place - a terraced building with tiny apartments, each one the same as the others, where students at the Lausanne Polytechnic used to stay - Pusterla matured the decline mentioned in the lyrics of the entire album. "Lullaby, 2520" is thus a photograph, aseptic and desolate, of a tangible, everyday and totalizing darkness from which the compositions of this new record work were in fact born.

Lullaby, 2520 is an intimate piece, the kind of intimacy that hurts a little, the kind that tickles your belly. The static nature of the footage recalls Leo's inner world, which in trying to open up has intentionally (or maybe not) brought the soul of this vidoeclip to a "comfortable" state, The small space of the 5:4 framing somehow serves the function of protection, of a cradle. A naive cradle, almost detached, but at that moment the safest thing in the world, like a lullaby.

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