William Downey: "A Life Leftover"

William Downey: "A Life Leftover"

Beginning with the dramatic classical influences of his parents, William Downey quickly drew inspiration from artists like Johnny Cash, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin and Queen, along with countless bands and artists of the 90s and 00s. Performing in musical theatre and playing small gigs earlier on in life, he always felt comfortable on stage. Playing piano and guitar from a young age allowed him to express himself emotionally and fueled his creativity, but he struggled to find the balance or the people necessary to form a band. Living in multiple countries growing up and experiencing the world in its cultural complexities, its beauties and its challenges, he turned inwards to improvisation and songwriting and has recently released his debut EP “A Life Leftover”.

When it comes to finding inspiration, he says “darker times usually bring out the best in me… musically.” With a slight melancholic undertone, potentially induced by the long Stockholm winters, William's poetic but relatable lyrics intertwine personal stories of lost love with a critical lens on societal expectations. “I think most people consider me a happy person, but everyone’s a little two or three-faced. Having an outlet or space, whether it’s running or writing or a cabin by the ocean, releases that darker side a little. That’s music for me.”

Though in the past he has preferred experimenting at home and hasn’t sought out live performances, he has “found my sound” as he aims to secure gigs this summer to entertain audiences.

Have a listen and keep up with William Downey on social media:


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